Culture & Values

Our values are not platitudes; they are hardwired into the way we think, act & live. We believe in nurturing a culture of status-quo breaking experimentation, we believe in helping our team members actualize life goals vs work goals, we believe that if we collaborate with others and harness our collective creative and intellectual capacities nothing is impossible. And we are not shy to say that we are a work In progress and strive to always remain a work In progress.

Yasi Values:

  1. Be curious, be creative. Awaken your inner child!
  2. Feed your soul, lattes don't work!
  3. Status quo is boring! Invent & Re-invent.
  4. Add passion, it's the secret sauce of life.
  5. Be genuine, everyone loves the real deal.
  6. Diversity rocks! In Thought, People, Culture.
  7. Empathy & compassion will change the world.
  8. Humility trumps the ego, every-time!
  9. Inspire & be inspired - Its good karma!
  10. Collaborate, its more fun!
  11. Make mistakes, fail harder! Scars are sexy.

Yasi manifesto

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