Yasi Vision

The Blurb

At Yasi Design we aim to inspire & delight design lovers by providing a shopping destination for discovering exceptional designs from around the world.

Product Philosophy

We put our heart and souls into selecting products that we feel have what it takes to make our list. Products that have been crafted with creativity, passion, and a healthy disregard for convention. Design to us is a universally spoken language so no market is too distant or too foreign for us: from Milan to New York to Buenos Aires to Tokyo. We travel the world to bring you products that are impeccably designed, surprisingly affordable and always delightful!

Designer Philosophy

We look to partner with imaginative, envelope pushing brands and designers with whom our philosophies are aligned. We are not in the business of revolving door relationships. We value developing deep, meaningful partnerships with designers that resonate with us and with whom we can collaborate with for many years to come.

Goals & Dreams

We do not wish to just sell products. We aspire to do more & be more! We are passionate about design and on a mission to create something that matters, something that's special.

We are driven by our desire to:

a. Make Design Accessible
We feel that the pleasure of inspiring design should not be the exclusive domain of the über-rich. Everyone deserves to have their lives uplifted & enriched with great design that is affordable.

b. Support Emerging Designers
Nothing gets our team more excited than the thought of helping talented & passionate emerging designers realize their dreams of growing their brands. We aim to provide a launching platform for emerging designers to promote and distribute their products. Check out our Designer in Residence page for a flavour of things to come.

c. Drive Social Impact
We feel doing business and doing social good are not mutually exclusive concepts. We as a company, as a culture and as a team are deeply committed to making a positive social impact. We believe that design & design thinking has the power to positively change the world. We can’t wait to make a humble attempt to do some good.

Culture & Values

Our values are not platitudes; they are hardwired into the way we think, act & live. We believe in nurturing a culture of status-quo breaking experimentation, we believe in helping our team members actualize life goals vs work goals, we believe that if we collaborate with others and harness our collective creative and intellectual capacities nothing is impossible. And we are not shy to say that we are a work In progress and strive to always remain a work In progress.

Yasi Values:

1. Be curious, be creative. Awaken your inner child!
2. Feed your soul, lattes don't work!
3. Status quo is boring! Invent & Re-invent.
4. Add passion, it’s the secret sauce of life.
5. Be genuine, everyone loves the real deal.
6. Diversity rocks! In Thought, People, Culture.
7. Empathy & compassion will change the world.
8. Humility trumps the ego, every-time!
9. Inspire & be inspired - Its good karma!
10. Collaborate, its more fun!
11. Make mistakes, fail harder! Scars are sexy.

Key Yasi Elements



From the up and coming design stars of the future, to the family run workshops steeped in tradition to the globally renowned brands: We are on a relentless mission to scour the world for the best designers!



It is not just a “product” it’s a labor of creativity & passion. Our products have distinct personalities; they have a re-assured swagger about them. They are impeccably designed, surprisingly affordable and always delightful!



We are obsessed with the lost art of the narrative, probably because we are all hopeless romantics at heart. So we hope to share with you some stories, about our designers, their products and their inspirations.



We are passionate about making a positive impact. We believe that design & design thinking has the power to positively change the world. Stay tuned; we can’t wait to make a humble attempt to do some good!



We aim to inspire & delight design lovers by providing a shopping destination that is fueled by passion, service & incredible products.